Quality since 1969.
Bartłomiej Witkowski – owner
Born 20 IV 1983 in Gdańsk (Poland), graduate of the Maritime Academy in Gdynia, majoring in Management and Marketing (specialty – Organization of Port and Maritime Traffic). Always associated with transport: started his apprenticeship in DHL Global Forwarding branch in Gdańsk and in Schenker Gdynia. After completing them, he started working at the Warsaw headquarters of UPS SCS Poland as a freight forwarder and participated in postgraduate studies in logistics at the Warsaw School of Economics. After many years of professional and personal development, he moved permanently to Germany, working for a number of freight forwarding companies. He participated in scientific seminars in Switzerland and completed a seminar with a certificate from the German Chamber of Commerce (topic – management). He joined Poltrans in 2019, developing the business and expanding the company’s transportation portfolio. As of 2020, he is listed in the KRS Hamburg as the company’s manager, and as of 2023 as its full owner.

The company operates POLTRANS Internationale Speditionsgesellschaft, which dates its first mention to May 2, 1969, (changed in 1972). The company establishes its headquarters in Cologne with a capital of DM 22,500, whose later owners Schenker-Rhenus AG and PSM C. Hartwig Warsaw contribute share capital of DM 300,000. The company operated as a German-Polish (Deutsch-Polnische Spedition) shipping company based in Germany. The company’s initial establishment and purpose was to transport commercial goods between Poland and Germany and the rest of the world, recognizing German ports as a gateway for further import and export of goods. The first official registration in the Bonn KRS took place on December 12, 1972.The company’s board of directors consisted of PSM C. Hartwig Warsaw, Rhenus AG and PSM C. Hartwig Katowice. In later years, the company opened two more branches in Hamburg and Berlin, employing a total of about 100 people. The company’s main activities were, and still are today, road transport and customs clearance. In later years, the company expanded its operations to include rail, air, sea and oversize transport.
Ownership of the company until 2023. The company was C. Hartwig Gdynia, based in Poland. Starting in 2023. Poltrans GmbH operates as a Hamburg-based company independent of other companies, headed by owner and manager Bartlomiej Witkowski. Currently, the company cooperates with numerous seaports in (Hamburg, Bremerhaven, Cuxhaven, Gdansk, Gdynia, Atwerp, Rotterdam, etc.), offering a full range of logistics including warehousing and customs services. A fully qualified team of freight forwarders offers advice on transportation, customs clearance and port services. The company specializes in transporting refrigerated goods such as meat or fish with Veterinary Office approval, and dry goods such as coffee, tea, etc.